Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Smithsonian Craft Show

 Halo Design’s booth display at the Smithsonian Crafts Show, 2010.

Halo Designs was recently awarded a coveted booth at the prestigious Smithsonian Craft Show .  With the help of her husband Fredrick Lee, Julia traveled to DC towing her display and hundreds of new jewelry pieces to the stunning National Building Museum venue. Over 120 artists showcased their crafts ranging from ceramics, jewelry, wearable art and furniture to glass, paper and wood.

Here is an interview with jewelry designer, Julia Gross after the show:

1.) Why was attending the Smithsonian Crafts Show a special opportunity?
The National Building Museum is a fantastic venue. The event is really well established and well attended. This was its 28th year. The Smithsonian Women’s Committee run the show and they do an exceptional job. Everything is very well organized and they make sure that the vendors are well taken care of with breaks and meals. It is as enjoyable for the exhibitors as it is for the visitors.

2.) Did any artists exhibiting at the Smithsonian Crafts Show stand out to you?
The jeweler, John Iverson, won best of show. His work and his booth were really interesting. I enjoyed the fact that everything he did was very minimal. He only displayed a few pieces at a time, which reflected the visual simplicity of his work.

Other artists that I admired were:
Peter Harrison  –  A young furniture designer who works in wood, steel and concrete furniture.

William Kidd  – He made wild ceramics that look like gigantic flower pods from a different planet.

3.) What was the best thing about exhibiting at the Smithsonian Craft Show?
Even though we worked really long hours, being surrounded by such great talent in an incredibly beautiful space made the hours fly by. It also helped that Fred joined me. I was able to take short breaks and see some of the artwork. Having him there really made the event fun. He also dresses so nicely- I think his handsome presence helps with sales!

4.) Do you have anything else you’d like to add?
I want to thank the clients and friends (old and new) who came to support me! 

Set up and take down of the Halo Design booth at the Smithsonian Crafts Show, 2010.

Interview conducted by INGE MILDE & Associates.


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